Premium issues as a magazine, editor, community, or more!
One-Click Setup and Configuration
Theme of Child Included
Ready for WordPress 4.0+
Ready WooCommerce 2.6+
Ready for WPML, like call switcher (.po files included)
Multilingual WooCommerce Ready for Charging Switcher
Elements Drag & Drop
Archives of PSD then included property
Documents SCSS included!
SEO Configured, Nice SEO base built-in in the meantime (compatible along search engine marketing Plugins like Yoast)
Create every single design that you can think about using Visual Composer.
Google Fonts 600+
Powerful typography emphasis point, accessibility, then average user experience
Output Super-Enhanced For Viewers
Compatible with several popular Plugins for E-Commerce
Options for Limitless Color
RTL Ready since Hebrew & Arabic are languages like
Ability to personalize each factor with respect to the theme
Plugins for Premium E-Commerce:
Table Shipping Rate
Dynamic Pricing & Promotions by WooCommerce
PDF Invoice WooCommerce
Service Filter of WooCommerce