This add-on provides a comprehensive RESTful API that allows developers and third-party apps to interface with Restrict Content Pro membership data.
The RCP REST API offers the following functions:
Look up member account information.
Make new records for member accounts.
Updating member account information
Delete member account information
Examine payment records
Make a new payment record
Refresh payment records
Remove all payment records.
Investigate latest profits and signup figures.
What are you able to do as a result of this?
With a full REST API, the possibilities are practically unlimited and primarily limited by your own imagination. Here are a few examples of possible applications:
A customer dashboard where members’ accounts can be seen and managed.
A smartphone application for managing member and payment information.
Integration with various registration systems is simple.
REST APIs are a developer tool that opens up a world of possibilities for more sophisticated platforms and integrations. You’re not a developer, but you have an idea for something you’d like to make. That’s fine! We have a list of consultants available for hire that are well-versed in developing custom integrations on top of the Restrict Content Pro REST API.