Easily build bulk discounts, product variations, adjust inventory, alter attributes, change your WooCommerce store’s product picture. In a spreadsheet-like table, products and variants are shown and can be modified in bulk cells or individual cells.
Features: Features
Filter items by title, category, features, standard and sales price, sku, tags, long and short descriptions, status of the product, quantity and status of the stock, type of product, shipping class, post author, length, width, height and weight.
Append, prepend, and substitute text in text(bulk) fields.
Value/percent (bulk) increment/decrease.
Generate the selling price (bulk) from the normal one.
Set, add, uninstall (bulk) categories/attributes.
Copy from one field to another (bulk) values.
/SKU (numbers)/. Fill series.
Show/hide fields for goods (columns).
Develop combinations and products.
Creating combinations at once with different items.
Establish new categories and words for attributes.
Products/variations delete.
Optionally, remove photos from the server if items are permanently removed.
Effective Selection Manager-via search conditions, pick items.
Modified fields are returned to before saving) their original values.
Support for custom meta fields (text, number, checkbox and select-editable for bulk, unsupported arrays or objects).
Select custom meta fields from plugins that are third-party.
Custom taxonomy support-Bulk editable.
Editable attributes in various columns.
Linked editing of products selected (quick bulk edit).
Customizable caps for goods, help for large stores.
Optional Variation Retrieval.
Save and load the product fields’ (columns) sets(views).
Export goods to a CSV file/only for display purposes, not for importing/.
A visual mark on cells that have modified.
Aid from translation. Bulgarian, Spanish, Swedish, French, Russian, Italian, built-in translations