Abuse and Group moderation solution for the most full BuddyPress Study.
Abuse of reports, user moderation, moderation of events, moderation of classes, extendable forms of reports and much more.
Keep the neighborhood healthy and important.
Report Violence & Moderation features with BuddyPress.
Let your members support you to build a stronger group.
Keep it clean and tidy for your community.
Group Moderation adds a sense of legitimacy to the group and resources against the trolls.
Features of Business level workflow.
Configurable email alerts from admin on recorded material.
Content Hiding Configurable Admin Email Alerts.
Configurable email for users to hide their content.
Configurable user email for restoration of their content.
Configurable email for users to remove their content.
Choice to preserve the log/history of all moderation operations (including the decision on content and who restored,deleted etc).
Take charge of the form for the survey.
You may configure which fields to view in the form.
You can configure which fields are required for the form.
You can customize who can see and who can report with the report button.

Users Moderate.
Enable/Deactivate user moderation/report harassment.
Hide users when the threshold is reached.
Optionally, automatic login and block login when the threshold is reached.
Limit user capacities, limit the posting of alerts, replies, messages (if not blocked from login).
Displaying notes.
Email workflow on report, hiding, restoration and account deletion for the blocked user/admin.
Effective BuddyPress operation and moderation of Comment/Reply.
For BuddyPress Activity or Activity Reply, enable/disable moderation/report harassment.
Enable/Disable BuddyPress activity or activity comment auto moderation. All new activities and comments will be performed in moderation, if allowed, and will require admin approval to be released.
Hide service, answers on hitting the threshold.