Content Drip add-on for LearnPress allows you to manage course’s opening time for your best convenience
Set a specific of time when a lesson becomes available
Lesson open time could also be based on if the student had finished a specific lesson or not
If you’ve created a schedule of your courses, instead of publishing courses in a sequence, you can publishing all courses immediately and set Content Drip for us. Content Drip will help you to manage opening time for your courses following your schedule.
Why and when to use Content Drip Add-on
When you have a course with many lessons and quizzes whereas the next one is fundamentally more difficult than the previous one.
When you need your students to fully understand the lesson before moving on to the next lesson.
When you want to make sure your students studied all necessary information before giving them a certificate.
This is a great way to guarantee better study effectiveness.
You can use Content Drip along with Certificate Add-on (to give certificate to those who finishes the course) or with Quizzes after each lesson to make sure your students understand the lesson.