Save time and energy with Meta Box Group by organizing custom fields into repeatable and collapsible, well, groups. Stack similar fields together into a fully customizable and visually-stunning hierarchy. Make room for well-organized meta boxes and custom fields in forms, pages, posts and infinitely more with the Meta Box Group extension.
Manage Data with Pure Efficiency
With all the data that exists on a website, organization can be chaotic. Grouping repeated custom fields together is an easy way to help developers and end users view and manage data with pure efficiency.
Clone Groups like No Other
Repeating groups of custom fields just got easier.
Organize meta boxes and custom fields like no other by placing them into clusters based on categories, content similarities, location on the page or whatever way you want.
Then, you can repeat each group, its sub-fields and sub-groups as many times as you want in one-click with Meta Box Group’s cloning feature which isn’t available in any other custom field plugin.
You can also drag and drop the repeated groups to reorder them right on the post or page.