
Products Scheduler / Restrict Access Nulled Free Download

Updated Lately to Version: 5.3

Last Updated: 2021-09-09

Products Scheduler / Restrict Access Nulled Download Now

The plugin WordPress Posts & WooCommerce Products Limit Access / Scheduler (WPPS) is a powerful tool by which the website admin can schedule or restrict access to posts, custom posts (such as wordpress sites, bbpress posts or any other custom 3rd party posts) and visibility of the product through “date rules” and user roles. You can also configure WooCommerce items as “Unpurchasable” (visible but cannot be added to cart).
How It’s Working
When enabled and triggered, it’s very simple for the site administrator to find a new “Scheduler” voice menu on the main menu to access the Scheduling Rules configurator. The shop admin can set scheduling rules for automatically publishing/unpublishing posts, custom posts (such as wordpress pages, bbpress posts or any other custom 3rd party posts) and items through this menu. He may also clearly prevent user roles from accessing accounts. You can also choose to redirect to a page if you limit posts/pages by user position.
NOTE: You only need to pick at least one role in the user role selection section to limit access to unlogged users.
SET Product as Unpurchasable
Function not compatible with Price Calculator for Calculation
The special Unpurchasable option can be used by shop managers for WooCommerce products. To allow this and set the visibility of https to Visible, the selected product will be visible, but due to the removal of the “add to cart” button, customers (or those belonging to the roles selected in the roles restriction choice area) may not be added to the cart.
The shop admin may choose whether the product has to be set as Purchasable or Unpublished after and before the Unpurchasable duration.
Two distinct messages on product and shop pages can also be optionally displayed during the Unpurchasable era.
Note: Make sure that the theme you are using is using the woocommerce-after-single-product, woocommerce-loop-add-to-cart-link and woocommerce-single-product-summary behavior in the shop and single product page correctly (as do the woocommerce referee templates) otherwise the plugin will not hook properly to the theme to remove the add to cart button. Every well-designed theme uses these acts correctly.
Note: The unpurchasable function won’t work if the WooCommerce Availability Scheduler plugin is enabled.
The site admin may assign multiple scheduling rules to a collection of posts/products (directly selecting them or a set of categories). The following alternative applies to each scheduling rule:
Name of Rule/id
Form of Object (WordPress post or WooCommerce product)
Selection of item (s)
Option of category(es)
Assignment strategy (it is possible to assign the rule to the selected items/categories or to all but the selected items)
Categories “Children” (if a category was selected, that rule can be assigned also to its children)
Dates for Scheduling (for every scheduled time period is also possible restrict visibility by user roles)
The Site Administrator will establish different scheduling dates for each scheduling rule (setting day(s), month(s), period, …) for each of which different httpses (published or unpublished) can be allocated. Two examples of what can be achieved are available here:
The shop administrator would like to make a product(s) released only from 09:00 to 18:00 and unpublished in the remaining hours and on 25 December, every day of the year.
The rules for scheduling will be designed as follows:
Construct and assign a name/id to a new rule
“Select type of item “WooCommerce product
Item(s) and/or category collection (ies)
Establish a new rule for a date where:
Published https:
Roles of the User: Leave unselected
Form of start date: Day of the Week
Days of the week: Pick all dates of the week:
Months: Pick all
Hour: 9 o’clock
Minute: 0 Up to 0
Invert https item(s) during the unmatched period of time: yes
Hour of the end: 17
The Last Minute: 59
Establish a new rule for a date where:
https: Unpublished, unpublished
Roles of the User: Leave unselected
Form of starting date: Day of the month
Days of the month: Pick 25 Days of the month
Months: Pick ‘December’
Hour: 9 o’clock
Minute: 0 Up to 0

Products Scheduler / Restrict Access Free Download

Current Version: 5.3

What are nulled items and why Products Scheduler / Restrict Access Nulled is the right choice?

All “Nulled” means is that the item is preactivated and ready to be used upon installation (License notices, if present, can simply be ignored). License keys are only required for the original author support (which is of course not included).

All items advertized on our site are 100% safe, tested and verified by 3 different anti virus and anti malware programs.

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