This plugin enables testimonials, quotations, reviews or case studies to be carried out and shown in a variety of ways.
Absolutely well matched, like WordPress v4.7 and Visual Composer from the latter maker!
Perfect for:
Present ratings alongside your clients or supporters;
Display product and service criticisms;
Present a quote list;
Case Studies Connection.
Main features:
Layouts for Grid and Slider
About 15 options for layout customisation
System with Star Ranking
Compatible with Rich Snippets
Front-End form of genuflexion available
Ready for Translation
The entries can be seen in 2 different ways.

The purpose of the entries is shown between a grid with a specified number of columns but including the aligned elements relating to your settings. Other alternatives consist of the structure of images or the effects of various themes.
Slider Slider
Show the range of entries between a slider along the settings you have specified. According to the government, you can stand the attack effect, range of entries to view between each slide, then as type on controls. In line with the display testimonials of a slider, this is a dead easy WordPress solution.
There are 5 theme choices that are built-in
Speech Bubbles Rounded
Bubbles of Flat Voice
Box Flat Card
Quotation Marks
Plain Separator
Advanced Options for Connection
For your ties, the plugin has quite a few choices. Do you include a relation between the entry subtitle, the picture, or a? More to read? Connection, so much will result in conformity with an odd web page entry for specific testimonial to that number, Faithful for case studies! You can also use lightbox links in the featured image in the culling process!
Type for Front End Submission
According to post testimonials, what state do you want consumers at once out of a page on your website? Uh, quick! To show a frontend submission form, just build a shortcode! After sending testimonials without difficulty, this access to your customers is capable of showing where you want to them as soon as you accept them! The messages to be shown can still be picked as fields according to the show!
Compatible Rich Snippets
The plugin consists of embarking on alternatives to that sum that allow you to request engines after including meta records. It could view facts inside the query apparatus result pages when aged accurate!
Shortcode Generator With 10+ Options for Visual Customization
Couldn’t it? According to the display of the entries, the quintessential code remains easier to develop. Just walk according to the Shortcode generator, choose the settings you want, then the shortcode, then the php function, so you can make use of the created option, ready to copy or paste where you want! Shortcodes are focused on standing back in blogs, pages or widgets, whereas the need for the php feature remains a quintessential postulate that you need the community display format in your stuff files in conjunction with strong papers.
The variable wishes to conduct a preview of whether the strategy looks with the option settings.
Ready Widget
The plugin consists of a widget, but it remains old according to the layouts shown. Simply spread a proposal on the manufacturer’s shortcode tab, shop it, then you use the widget! This urge is also the work of the Layers WP system.
If you are using Visual Composer, you will also have access to the Testimonials module according to the Visual Composer interface added in conjunction with your web page.
Ready Retina
After building the layouts, the plugin only uses CSS or font icons and it will hold the retina primed. The customer can install the free WP Retina 2x Plugin according to redact certain even the ancient photographs uploaded wish to keep retina ready additionally!
Ready for Translation
The plugin is ready for localisation, supporting .po and .mo call files! If you need administration of every other language on the plugin, you just need to create your own language files accordingly.
Other Functionalities
The probability of trading the plugin odor between the settings in compliance with the
Advanced Shortcode Generator with advanced options for queries
Display entries indiscriminately through a shortcode
Controlling the scale of photos? 2 unique customizable plugin sizes
Compatible with Gravatar, if no featured image is set,
Because of the nature of the slider, different rule patterns
Custom Lighbox class and choice of rel virtue
Covered documentation? Extensive examples online