Short summary
The Woocommerce Simple Checkout Field Editor Plugin allows you to add/edit/delete checkout type fields. With our Drag and Drop Admin UI, you can reorder them. Plugin Supports 15 types of custom fields that are commonly used. With order mail, you can choose to send custom field data and display it on the admin order page as well.
WooCommerce Simple Features of the Chekcout Field Editor
Conditional Checkout Fields-Fields show/hide depending on the importance of other fields of checkout.
Display Fields Under My Account/Edit Page for Address.
Edit/Manage Woocommerce’s default checkout fields
Remove Default fields for Woocommerce Checkout
Help for Supplementary FIelds
Add new custom fields to the existing shipping and billing form for addresses
Reorder Custom Drag and Drop UI Fields
In the Admin Panel Preview Area
Show the field information submitted on the order edition tab.
Display field information submitted in order for emails.
Show the field descriptions submitted in the order conformation and display the order tab.
Show field descriptions submitted in WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Invoices Packing Slips.
Reset to Fields by Default
Possibility of showing fields only if the cart includes specified items or products belonging to a particular category
Custom Fields Supported
Text Word
The Textarea
Login Password
Text area of paragraph
Heading Over
Select dropdown
Multi Select with Jquery Select2
Radio Radio
Email Systems
Digit for telephone
About Number
Date Picker time
Picker of Time
Date Picker range
Date Picker for Time Span.